"Janet" wrote ...
, Bob Hobden wrote:
I seem to be constantly buying and wiring up greenhouse heaters, came
home this afternoon and it's lucky I had a new spare in the garage.
they do outlast the guarantee but not by much.
Anyone found an electric greenhouse heater that I can wire into a
separate thermostat that lasts more that a couple of winters?
not one that costs a fortune as some I've seen.
I had a Parwin 3K in the GH at our last place, it was very reliable.
Unfortunately it says on their site... "We are sorry to advise that we have
currently stopped the manufacture of new heaters" and from the reasons given
it would appear they will not be making any more.
I can only imagine the cost of one of their Heater + Stat packages is too
much for the market.
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK