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Old 14-11-2013, 06:53 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David Hill David Hill is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2012
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Default any prevailing opinion on EM?

On 14/11/2013 17:19, Spider wrote:
On 14/11/2013 10:01, Emery Davis wrote:
Wondering what the group thinks of EM (effective micro-organisms). If
you don't know what this is, see
Effective_microorganism. EM is typically used in Bokashi composting, but
also in horticulture and disaster cleanup. It is used by the leading
Dutch Acer producers (Esveld, Van der Maat) and seems to be gaining a lot
of traction in Holland generally. For Acers it is acknowledged generally
to be the best tool against bacterial wilt in young plants.

Like many things, there's a lot of hooey to go along with the science,
and it isn't always to differentiate.

I don't use EM but I might give it a try on young plants.

What do you think?

I know little or nothing about it, but found this 'review' (for want of
a better name) on Youtube. You may find it interesting.

I know nothing about EM what ever that is.
Your link gave ma an article about a Japanese warship, well all I know
about Nipon is it's good for getting rid of ants, but I doubt you would
want a warship to do that.
Google gave me some info but it reminds me of the old idea of spraying
your plants with sour milk.