"Emery Davis" wrote
Wondering what the group thinks of EM (effective micro-organisms). If
you don't know what this is, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Effective_microorganism. EM is typically used in Bokashi composting, but
also in horticulture and disaster cleanup. It is used by the leading
Dutch Acer producers (Esveld, Van der Maat) and seems to be gaining a lot
of traction in Holland generally. For Acers it is acknowledged generally
to be the best tool against bacterial wilt in young plants.
Like many things, there's a lot of hooey to go along with the science,
and it isn't always to differentiate.
I don't use EM but I might give it a try on young plants.
What do you think?
I was given a kit to brew EM up in some years ago. I did use it but only on
established plants and the results seemed OK but nothing some fertilizer
wouldn't have done. Not a spectacular success but certainly not a disaster
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK