"David Hill" wrote in message
On 10/11/2013 16:32, Let It Be wrote:
David Hill wrote:
My ground was grazed by horses for at least 30 years before I bought
it, but I've never seen a single mushroom on it.
I've started buying mushrooms that have the full stalk and have
compost and mycelium on the base, so I am cutting this off and
lifting a bit of turf and putting them under.
My question is.
How deep should I plant the stems an inch below the surface or deeper?
David @ a bright, sunny side of Swansea Bay.
And there's me trying to rid the lawn of the bloody things!
Your comment reminds me of when I was a youngster in Hastings, the council
in their wisdom top dressed The Pilot Field which was Hastings Uniteds
pitch with spent mushroom compost, turned out not as spent as they
lol I did that a few years ago but on a much smaller scale
We had a
mushroom farm fairly near which sold compost. I bought a few sack for my
garden and lo and behold ... a good crop of mushroom which were well