On 2013-11-09 22:28:20 +0000, Christina Websell said:
"Bob Hobden" wrote in message
I agree that Newsgroups appear to be fading away quite quickly now, I
posted to another Ng a few days ago a technical question that 3 or 4
years ago would have had probably more than 10 knowledgeable replies by
now, but I've had nothing at all.
I think the problem started when most ISPs stopped supporting
newsgroups. On my original computer there was a button on the toolbar
which said "newsgroups" and that's how I discovered Usenet. Then I had
to get an NIN subscription to continue (not a problem) but most new
computer users don't even know Usenet is there as there is no gateway
to it. My last two computers didn't have a ng button for interested
minds to notice. but I've recently bought an old Dell with Windows XP
Professional on and it still has the newsgroup button which I can click
on and get the whole list of newsgroups available, but maybe it's
because I have NIN. I wonder what would happen if I clicked on it and
hadn't. At least it is there.
Unless the ISPs can be persuaded to support newsgroups again and
promote them, Usenet will die and it will be such a loss.
If you search Google's page of what you can do/access, 'Groups' is
literally the very last thing mentioned. ;-(
South Devon