In article ,
David Hill wrote:
On 09/11/2013 10:30, Jeff Layman wrote:
Campsis can be very invasive after several years once it has established
itself. It can spring up several metres from its planting point (just
search the internet on "Campsis" and "invasive" if you doubt me on this.
Read some of the negative comments he I speak from experience. I
spent several years trying to kill it with glyphosate and it still kept
coming up). I do not know if it is invasive everywhere it grows, but I
will /never/ plant it in the ground again.
It might help to know where you are Jeff.
I had campsis growing outside here in South Wales but it struggled and
the first bad (For us) winter finished it off
It grows well with me, and has never suckered too badly. But my
soil is well-drained, and Cambridge is much drier than Cardiff!
Nick Maclaren.