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Old 08-11-2013, 04:30 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
sacha sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2013
Posts: 815
Default Bad winter coming - Exacta weather

On 2013-11-08 13:17:00 +0000, Ophelia said:

"David.WE.Roberts" wrote in message
On Fri, 08 Nov 2013 11:19:45 +0000, Ophelia wrote:

Copied from another group:

The Farmers Almanac this year predicts a hard winter.

I have my own indicators - a heavy crop of crab apples, of winter pears
and a heavy but very late crop of grapes on my vine, huge crop of
conkers and lots of beech mast (earlier in the year).

The darned squirrels have nearly cultivated my garden with their
frenetic burying of foodstuffs.

That's good enough for me – If the squirrels say it’s going to be ‘ard
it’s going to be ‘ard!.

I guess all we can do is wait and see

According to Autum Watch a good crop this year reflects a good summer/
autumn last year when the trees and plants built up good reserves which
could be put into flowering this year resulting in the potential for a
good crop this year.

Given a good fruit set followed by a good summer, you get a good crop this

With an abundance of food this year we probably have a lower infant
mortality rate in squirrels.

Then again, we might have psychic conker trees.

As I said, all we can do is wait and see. I may be mistaken but it
would appear that I had better go back to lurking since the things I
have passed on are now being taken as my personal opinion.

Btw with regard to your questions in ULM (about what Sacha and I have
posted) it could be said I gave them free advertising and the "but also
was accompanied by a lot of strong critical comment." Was not made by
me! I take it you will be hitting us with it at your leisure?

Don't be discouraged, Ophelia! Please keep going. Unfortunately, one of
the problems with this medium is that you can't see the person you're
talking to and there are sometimes gaps between a post and an answer to
it. Other comments come in and unintentionally muddy the waters and the
next thing you know is that you're an ardent believer in something
you've merely raised as a topic of interest! As we have seen all too
well, all too recently!
South Devon