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Old 08-11-2013, 03:46 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren[_3_] Nick Maclaren[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2013
Posts: 767
Default Bad winter coming - Exacta weather

In article ,
Ophelia wrote:
"Malcolm" wrote in message

It's being so cheerful as keeps 'em going.

lol long time since I've heard that


Not that far back but it was certainly in use when I was growing up

Dear Ophelia, you are clearly not old enough to remember ITMA!

The phrase is *definitely* that far back, and *definitely* ITMA. It was a
catchphrase from Mona Lott, a dressed laundry woman.

Martin has just posted some more from ITMA.

LOL I reckon you would be wrong g I suspect it just wasn't something my
parents listened to I've heard people use that when I was a child and
obviously that is where they got it from ;p

Actually, I think that it is older than ITMA, but its widespread
popularity dates from ITMA. That is certainly true for some of
the other phrases, such as "I don't mind if I do" and "Can I do you
now, Sir?"

I managed to get one change into the OED where they had fallen
into the trap of assigning a phrase to the author who popularised
it and not the originator. "To damn with faint praise" is actually
Wycherley, and Pope picked it up. But I suspect that the vast
majority of attributions are to the populariser and not the actual
originator, based on what I have seen happen in the past half

Nick Maclaren.