On 2013-11-07 19:26:09 +0000, kay said:
'Stephen Wolstenholme[_3_ Wrote:
;994726']Our new bungalow has a detached concrete slab type of garage
with an
asbestos roof. The roof is covered in green moss and so it doesn't
look so bad. The walls look awful as they just plain concrete. We want
something to cover the walls. So far we have one of those fast growing
vines and two virginia creepers growing up the walls but it would be
nice to have smething growing down from the moss covered roof. Any
If you've got one of "those fast growing vines" (Russian vine? aka
mile-a-minute vine) and two Virginias creepers, in about two years you
won't be able to find where you put the garage. So I wouldn't worry
about planting anything else.
Two years?! I'd give it two months from next spring.
South Devon