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Old 07-11-2013, 03:27 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Ophelia[_8_] Ophelia[_8_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2013
Posts: 294
Default At the risk of being unpopular

"Jake" wrote in message
On Thu, 7 Nov 2013 12:25:10 +0000, Sacha

On 2013-11-07 10:33:42 +0000, David in Normandy said:

On 07/11/2013 00:43, Sacha wrote:

And there ARE good gardening blogs/web sites. Start with somewhere
like where the discussion,
surprisingly about gardening topics, is active and interesting. Though
probably you won't like the layout or something.

I just took a look at that site but it doesn't appear to actually be
open to posts from the general public; unless there is some hidden
submission process followed by editorial review prior to publishing.
Such a site, while interesting, does not appear to be a place for
having an easy dialogue between gardeners.

You have to register, afair.

Slight correction - initial posts are by a mix of invitation or
submission for acceptance and, granted, they will not be from the
general public. However there is no need to register to comment on any
article - the site operates a pro-active moderation system so anyone
can submit a comment and a fair number of what I suppose are "general
public" - me for example - do participate. Some articles are more down
to earth than others.

That is the case with most blogs. As David (Rance) has pointed out, it
is only places like GardenBanter that offer any real "open discussion"
alternative and, of course, GB actually requires registration. One
possible plus point of this is that if you are a GB "member" reading a
post by someone, you can look up their profile to find a bit more
about them. How often have we needed to ask someone where they live,
how big's the garden, which direction and all that.

I will readily admit that if I put GardenBanter to one side there is
no "one place" replacement for URG. I'm not going to speculate on if
or how long GardenBanter would survive if it was not for URGlers
providing the GB members with the answers to their questions! OTOH,
without new blood URG won't survive and the million dollar question is
how we breathe life into the group.

We've enticed one lurker into the open. Any more out there? Please say
hello. We only really bite each other.

I lurk but I don't have experience and having read the comments in this
thread, it has been stated that people without experience are not welcome,
so I think it better I continue to lurk.
