Where have all the squirrels gone?
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07-11-2013, 02:25 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2013
Posts: 548
Where have all the squirrels gone?
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"Roger Tonkin" wrote in message
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I have not seen a squirrel for months. Now I have put up squirrel proof
feeders, but I cannot imagine that would stop them from trying.
I saw that in a thread about walnuts that the squirrels had not been
after them. Have they all been wiped out, or at least decimated by a
disease or prey?
Still a few around here, saw a squashed one on the
road today on way into town! They do seem to avoid
gardens where there are squirrel proof feeders,
presumably going for easier pickings elsewhere!
Roger T
Probably busy stashing up with acorns somewhere else.
I usually get a regular visitor but no sign of him/her yet.
We rarely see them in the garden in summer; they return in winter when
wild food supplies decline. (There are only reds here, and lots of
them). We had our first snow on the mountain top three days ago.
I saw the first squirrel skittering around the back lawn yesterday. I
was laughing because it took one nibble at the "harvest cake" we threw
out and turned up its nose. J had made this wonderful sounding recipe
(pears, apples, ginger) from the Co-op supermarket's latest free recipe
book. He is a very expert baker but harvest cake was a total disaster.
I couldn't finish the trial slice. J, never before been known to refuse
cake in any form, did the same. We threw the rest out for the birds
where the dog found it, took one taste and left the rest. So did the
seagulls and the pheasants and the blackbirds and now the squirrel.
Janet. (Isle of Arran)
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