Where have all the squirrels gone?
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07-11-2013, 01:31 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2013
Posts: 1,026
Where have all the squirrels gone?
On 2013-11-07 11:14:44 +0000, Bill Grey said:
"Roger Tonkin" wrote in message
In article ,
I have not seen a squirrel for months. Now I have put up squirrel proof
feeders, but I cannot imagine that would stop them from trying.
I saw that in a thread about walnuts that the squirrels had not been
after them. Have they all been wiped out, or at least decimated by a
disease or prey?
Still a few around here, saw a squashed one on the
road today on way into town! They do seem to avoid
gardens where there are squirrel proof feeders,
presumably going for easier pickings elsewhere!
Roger T
Probably busy stashing up with acorns somewhere else.
I usually get a regular visitor but no sign of him/her yet.
I saw one just this morning, scooting across the lawn from under the
big old cedar tree.
South Devon
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