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Old 07-11-2013, 11:49 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David Rance[_3_] David Rance[_3_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2011
Posts: 307
Default At the risk of being unpopular

On Thu, 7 Nov 2013 David in Normandy wrote:

On 07/11/2013 10:47, David Rance wrote:

Ok, so we have a URG web site. Why don't we use it? Not much has changed
for years apart from keeping some of the FAQs up-to-date. In fact, it
probably suffers from a lot of the formatting and colour problems that
others have mentioned. It needs a good overhaul. We could keep a blog
going on that. There could be several blogs. Has anyone the vision to
make use of ? URG doesn't *have* to stay as a
Usenet group.

URG would be a good base to start from. As it stands the site is
read-only and has no features to support any dialogue.

Quite! It was first designed by Cormaic before such facilities were

I've just looked at Sacha's suggested site and that appears to have
the same limitation too - neither is designed for discussion. The u-r-g
website would need completely redesigning, perhaps with a phpbb forum
being set up on it so people could create threads and hold discussions.

I quite agree, which was what I was suggesting. What I was saying is
that we are not *using/developing* a facility which we already have at
our disposal.

Somewhat ironically, the site that does offer a means for people to
participate and post is the Garden Banter site! Much bemoaned by some
of the URG regulars for "stealing" posts made on URG. Those of us who
remain in URG could simply move and relocate there?!

Some already have (brave people). Doesn't Janet sometimes write from


David Rance writing from Caversham, Reading, UK