It's a rough old day.
On 02/11/2013 21:28, Jake wrote:
On Sat, 02 Nov 2013 19:22:59 +0000, David Hill
It looks as if the Mumbles recorded the strongest winds along the south
coast of Wales, The last hour has seen the gusts down to 71 mph.
I did see you quoting an 81 mph gust but the official stats record the
highest gust at 84 mph.
In 22 years of living here, I've never seen gusts like today. Whilst
Leylandii stood bolt upright as they do, 20 foot multi-trunked
conifers were turning horizontal at about the 6 foot point. I'm
surprised none snapped off. I did lose some branches from the
whitebeam (which lost all its leaves by the end of September) but
other trees still in leaf stood up to the onslaught save for a large
part of a hornbeam which I'll have to tackle tomorrow if the wind
reduces. It was that which took out my weather station - some 3-4
metres away. It's returned sort of upright but I can see the split in
the branch.
I'm not checking anything till tomorrow, but 8 hours with the wind
gusting to 63mph and over makes last weeks "Storm" look pathetic.