Time to visit the sheds?
In article , david@abacus-
nurseries.co.uk says...
Had to go to "The Range" this morning and as always had a look at their
plants, they had 5 or 6 trolleys of reduced plants, all actually alive
and looking quite good, just past their best.
Named Michaelmas Daisies in 2.5 litre pots down to £1.27. Lilies with
probably 4 corms £1.70, a named dahlia in 3.5 litre pot 75p.
I remember a couple of years ago picking up gentians in 1 litre pots for
10p each, that was a couple of days before Xmas.
Mind you there is always some rubbish amongst them.
You can get some great bargains. I keep hoping for a reduced black
I have several Michaelmas daisies in flower right now, which were end-
of-season bargains from a shed last year. I've just been putting winter
protection on the knock-down bargain banana I bought a few weeks ago.
Along with (indoor) gorgeous little cyclamen, 3 for £6, the sort with
smallish flowers that stand well,not the big blowsy ones. This was
after I bought one last year. It was so cheap I regarded it as a
disposable houseplant, but somehow after everything died off it got
forgotten, left starved and dry on a sunny windowsill all summer until a
few weeks ago, I noticed new leaf buds emerging. I rewarded its
persistence with repotting and a feed and it currently has a hundred
pure white flowers. The new ones are pink, and two (different) pink and
whites. I feel a new plant collection coming on...