Where have all the squirrels gone?
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31-10-2013, 10:26 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Roger Tonkin[_2_]
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2012
Posts: 459
Where have all the squirrels gone?
In article ,
After a barren few weeks the birds are starting to return, mainly tits,
in fact this morning for a few minutes they were mobbing the feeders. A
woodpecker turned up yesterday, but strangely not a sparrow in sight,
yet last year they were as frequent as the tits. we'll see what happens
when the cold really sets in.
We've had a return of the birds over the last week or
so. Fair number of tits, the odd goldfinch and just a
few sparrows. Saw a woodpecker yesterday for the first
time for months.
Round here the trees are loaded with berries and nuts,
so I suspect they are still all on the "fresh food!"
Roger T
700 ft up in Mid-Wales
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Roger Tonkin[_2_]
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