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Old 28-10-2013, 09:20 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David Rance[_3_] David Rance[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2011
Posts: 307
Default The approaching menace

In message , Sacha

Good luck riding the storm guys.
Hope there are no calamities where you are.
The title of the Mastermind theme-tune seems appropriate.

We're returning from France tomorrow afternoon (Caen/Portsmouth).
Hopefully things will have died down a bit by then.

You might want to check that, David. A lot of ferries have been cancelled.

Thankfully (I think!) our sailing is ok. The two ferries on our route,
the Normandie and the Mont Saint Michel, both arrived at their
respective ports on time last night. The Portsmouth to St. Malo crossing
was late this morning but it seems that it sheltered in the lee of the
Cotentin for a time. Brittany Ferries have a page on their web site
where you can track the movements of the ships.

During the night we had some pretty strong gusts. It's quieter this
morning and sunny. No damage to speak of, just dead branches off our
trees. There was an electricity outage during the night but I don't know
how long for - probably only momentary. But further to the west there
are areas without power so we were lucky. Saw the BBC news this morning
and it seems that the West Country has also had widespread power


David Rance writing from Le Mesnil Villement, Calvados, France