The approaching menace
"Nick Maclaren" wrote
Bob Hobden wrote:
"Pam Moore" wrote ...
Good luck riding the storm guys.
Hope there are no calamities where you are.
The title of the Mastermind theme-tune seems appropriate.
If it's as bad as 87 there won't be any old trees left in the south. We
tried to peg down our chilli cloches on the allotment and make sure
can blow about but I have no doubt there will be damage, it was our house
roof last time that lost a ridge tile. Even more glad I had the big
down in the front garden.
Actually, in 1987, the old trees survived better than the younger
ones - see Rackham on that.
Sevenoaks lost 6 of theirs. :-)
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK