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Old 27-10-2013, 07:38 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Jeff Layman[_2_] Jeff Layman[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,166
Default Shrub Gift for someone who likes Tango (Dance)

On 27/10/2013 15:53, Jeff Layman wrote:
On 27/10/2013 14:39, Pauline Mulford wrote:
Could anyone recommend a shrub or plant with maybe Tango in the name for a birthday gift for a good friend ? They love dancing rather than the drink ! so maybe something with a dance theme in the name. They live in the South West England, heavy clay soil but sheltered garden.
Many thanks


The RHS plantfinder has no plants with the name "Tango" as a variety.

But it does have quite a few with "Waltz" as a variety. For example,
there is a Camellia called "Waltz Time". That is available from the
Duchy of Cornwall nurseries
( or
Camellia Grove Nursery
Many Camellias will grow in clay; others may not like it.

There is also an Abutilon called "Waltz", available from Cross Common
Abutilons vary in their cold tolerance, but they have a better chance in
South-west than elsewhere in the UK.

There are quite a few Fuchsias with "Waltz" in their name

If none of the above are what you are after, you can try entering a
dance name of your choice here, and see what turns up:

Remember though, that at this time of year plant stocks may be low, so
even if you find a plant of interest, it may not be in stock.

Just tried again, and the RHS Plantfinder now finds 42 plants with Tango
in the name! Strange.

