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Old 25-10-2013, 09:17 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
sacha sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2013
Posts: 815
Default Trehane camellias (ping Sacha)

On 2013-10-25 18:31:24 +0000, sacha said:

On 2013-10-25 17:57:57 +0000, Bob Hobden said:

"Sacha" wrote

Jeff Layman said:

Went there yesterday. As you said, nice people and quality plants.
Thanks for the tip.

Couldn't resist the BOGOF on sasanquas - bought the variegata and
"Crimson King".

Not sure about them being "scented" though. It's not the term I would
use for for what is a most peculiar smell, although it is not strong.
The nearest I could describe it is as being like that which comes from
an old bruised apple, where the smell and flavour of the bruising taint
permeates the rest of the fruit.

Never mind, the flowers look great at this time of year!

I'm glad you enjoyed your visit there. I'd love her to come to this
garden and id some of the old varieties we have here but she was down
this way two years ago and I don't think she has any plans to give
talks near here.
I don't think any of the scented ones are very strong but they aren't
as you describe to my nose, at any rate! Perhaps it's that thing about
some people smelling cats' pee from Choisya and others not getting that
at all! I was looking at our Camellias yesterday and they're all
forming nice flower buds, which is a nice promise of things to come as
we progress towards winter.

Whilst we are talking Camelias, did you manage to do anything with those
Madame de Strekaloff cuttings I sent you a few years back?

I'll check with Ray, Bob. I know he was annoyed that some cuttings he
had had failed miserably, so I hope these are not the same ones.

Ray has just come in and I asked him about your cuttings, Bob.
Unhappily, the answer is no, they didn't take. He's take several from
C.Takanini that we have here in the garden and about 3 struck.
South Devon