Thread: Ride on Mower
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Old 24-10-2013, 10:24 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Martin Brown Martin Brown is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,262
Default Ride on Mower

On 24/10/2013 21:12, Bill Grey wrote:
"Janet" wrote in message
In article ,

I have now got my very large garden, its mainly down to grass, not a
lawn, more of managed meadow, previous owner had a 'ride on'
Recommendations please, (and do any of them collect the grass

Yes to the latter.Then you need to think of what to do with the

The greenkeeper at our local golf course used to dump his considerable
amount of cuttings in a very large heap not too far from the bowling green.
No problem except for the bowlers - they had to endure a horrible niff when
the heap smelled like silage.


You get used to the smell of fermenting grass silage, but I would not
want it anywhere near the house. Provided you leave the stuff with
plenty of air in it the sheer bulk makes it go very hot inside.

I have seen the same done with the trimmings of pine trees and the
result even in mid winter with frosts was a big steaming hot pile of
composting pine needles emitting a fog that smelt of oil of wintergreen!

AFAICT the only compost heaps that go rancid are the cold ones for small
lawns where one grass bucket per week gets added and compacted.

Martin Brown