"Derek" wrote in message ...
I have now got my very large garden, its mainly down to grass, not a
lawn, more of managed meadow, previous owner had a 'ride on'
Recommendations please, (and do any of them collect the grass
.................................................. .............................................
Derek yes they do collect the clippings, BUT, if you have a large 'lawn'
then you will have a large lot of clippings. Tip them in a pile and they
will rot into a slime. They need to be mixed with more solid stuff, such as
shreddings out of the shredder and paper from the office shredder. My
daughter and son in law had this problem with their large garden which is
mainly lawns with beds and a pond. They get over the problem by mowing
frequently which leaves the grass cuttings in a strip, then going over it
again with the blade set high so as to cause a 'wind' which scatters it as a
We don't have that problem with our handkerchief lawn. Rake it up and put it
on the compost heap and stir it in :-)