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Old 22-10-2013, 04:43 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Tom Gardner[_2_] Tom Gardner[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2009
Posts: 198
Default Potatoes will not cook properly.

On 22/10/13 14:15, Pam Moore wrote:

You haven't lived until you've had an egg explode in the microwave!


I haven't had that but I have had a bottle of homemade elderflower
champagne, in an old screw-top bottle explode in my kitchen, luckily
at around 6 am before anyone was up.
Glass embedded in ceiling, walls venetian blind etc, all over
everything along with the contents of the bottle.
That was about 30 years ago and I have only made it once since!
At least the egg would be contained in the microwave, I assume.

Plastic bottles are pretty safe - if there's an excess of pressure,
they visibly inflate and split rather than shatter.

My father once put champagne in the freezer to chill it quickly.
When opened, the cork left a dent in the ceiling, the contents
hit the ceiling, and all that was left in the bottle was a frozen
mesh, presumably water.