Thread: Grammar
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Old 22-10-2013, 11:24 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
shazzbat shazzbat is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 780
Default Grammar

"Sacha" wrote in message
On 2013-10-21 20:02:21 +0100, shazzbat said:

"sacha" wrote in message
On 2013-10-17 07:34:23 +0000, shazzbat said:

a propos of the other thread, I commend these to the group -


But but but - I don't think 'apropos of' is correct. ;-) Apropos as
in, 'with reference to' or 'in this regard' or 'opportunely' doesn't
take 'of'. I think! ;-)

You're right, I didn't snip all I meant to when I made a change. But do
you like the mugs?


Yes, they're fun and would manage to annoy quite a lot of people. ;-)

I meant to add that there's one missing from the set, given how things are
going. It's the one that says "I would HAVE made you a cup OF coffee (but
you called me a grammar nazi, so make your own)
