Thread: Nerine bowdenii
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Old 21-10-2013, 01:12 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bob Hobden[_3_] Bob Hobden[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2009
Posts: 536
Default Nerine bowdenii

"Janet" wrote

david@abacus- says...

Why is it that Nerine bowdenii and other Nerines go dormant and will
remain so for several years?
David @ a wet and windy side of Swansea Bay

My shocking-pink nerines have never missed a year for over a decade,
multiply slowly and are all in full flower right now, one lot in a big
pot and two other patches in the garden which have been badly overgrown
by other plants but seem to be indestructible.

I have several other nerines which are much less obliging;

A very pale pink one, which has just flowered for the first time (at
least 5 years after planting; in fact I'd forgotten it), and a pot of
red ones (same vintage) which produce healthy leaves every year but have
never flowered at all. I don't know what happened to the white one
(certainly it never flowered) and can't remember where I planted it.

Don't give up on the white one, the one I planted years ago flowered last
year for the first time. I had forgotten I'd even planted it.
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK