Thread: Dahlias
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Old 21-10-2013, 12:45 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha[_11_] Sacha[_11_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2013
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Default Dahlias

On 2013-10-18 17:01:42 +0100, David Hill said:

On 18/10/2013 16:40, Sacha wrote:
Ours are still budding and I'm still dead-heading. I've read that some
people have had their first frosts but with luck, we should keep going
for a while longer. It's still really pretty mild, 14C in Plymouth and
rain promised for days to come. We had a pretty swift shower just now
but it looks as if more is lurking there somewhere!

Mine out in the field have taken a bit of a beating but the "Tree"
dahlias are still OK with a couple of the Imperialis almost 12 ft tall
and a semi double peach one only just behind at almost 11ft.
Imperialis and Teniucaulis just over 9ft tall) are both showing the
start of flower buds.
David @ a yet again blustery Swansea Bay

The D. imperialis in the garden is still standing - though I wonder if
it will be after today - but there's not a hope of it flowering now. I
should think it's about 10' tall which, considering we thought we'd
lost it, is pretty good going. But the Amicia zygomeris have hardly
flowered at all this year and we can only put it down to the cold
spring. It's grown, had loads of would-be buds on it but only one
sprig has flowered.

South Devon