"Charlie Pridham" wrote in message ...
I need to change to digital projection, I occasionally give talks to garden
clubs and have a slide projector but have found it increasingly difficult to
get hold of the slide film so last year bought a DSLR camera, very pleased
with the pictures but at present I can't use them!
So as I am not Alan Titchmarsh and don't charge a huge amount to give talks
I was looking at something like the Epson EB S02H which seems to retail at
around the 240-250 mark but the spare bulbs are 140 ish and I wouldn't be
happy not having a spare. (Why are the bulbs so much more for these
projectors compared with slide ones?)
While looking at all that I noticed a LED-33 projector for just 130 which
claims 25000 hours bulb life?
My question is, does anyone here use the cheaper LED projectors and is the
picture quality OK? (ie does it compare with an old fashioned slide
I suppose I normally project onto a 5' square screen and can chose the
distance, normally evenings so I don't need to project in bright light
Charlie, Gardening in Cornwall
Holders of National Collections of Clematis viticella
and Lapageria rosea cvs
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Charlie I do a lot of illustrated talks to a lot of groups and that list is
growing like mad on recommendations. For example I have already taken
bookings up to September next year! The projector I use is an Acer X1110 DLP
and I am fully satisfied with it. I gave a talk to a Business Men's
Breakfast Group a couple of months ago at their morning meeting in a very
light environment, (The Old Rex Cinema new Cafe in Ventnor for those urglers
on the Isle of Wight) and had no real problem with the projection.
Many of my talks are given in the afternoon and some in the evening. Never a
As a matter of interest Charlie do you advertise your talks? I don't, but I
do have a leaflet giving details and I find Group Organisers find this
useful when looking for speakers.
I purchased the projector from Argos if you are interested Charlie.