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Old 18-10-2013, 10:00 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren[_3_] Nick Maclaren[_3_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2013
Posts: 767
Default Projecting plant pictures

In article ,
Charlie Pridham wrote:

I need to change to digital projection, I occasionally give talks to garden
clubs and have a slide projector but have found it increasingly difficult to
get hold of the slide film so last year bought a DSLR camera, very pleased
with the pictures but at present I can't use them!

So as I am not Alan Titchmarsh and don't charge a huge amount to give talks
I was looking at something like the Epson EB S02H which seems to retail at
around the 240-250 mark but the spare bulbs are 140 ish and I wouldn't be
happy not having a spare. (Why are the bulbs so much more for these
projectors compared with slide ones?)

Because of the modern attitude of many people and, more importantly,
Bureaucrats. They demand the cheapest and, unless the technical
people have managed to hold onto medium-senior positions (increasingly
rare) and are prepared to cause waves (even rarer), that's what they
get. So the companies quite rationally discount the product and,
when they have the buyer over a barrel, wield the broomstick with
vigour. In IT, that model was led by HP with its printers.

Nick Maclaren.