Thread: OT - sort of
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Old 17-10-2013, 02:44 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
sacha sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2013
Posts: 815
Default OT - sort of

On 2013-10-15 19:47:59 +0000, Dave Liquorice said:

I'm wondering about any regulations regarding the export/import of
live plant material and soil etc. Or is any thought of pest/disease
control against "free trade" and thus sacrificed on the alter of the
all powerful god, MONEY.

Seriously? Are you really unaware of the enormous amount of big
business that already exists in the import of live plants into UK?
Numerous wholesale nurseries in UK make a living out of selling on
stock that has been imported from within the EU. Some gcs or nurseries
mark plants as raised in UK which have in fact been propagated abroad
in vast quantities, brought into UK and then potted on. This trade has
arisen partly because the industry here has received so little support
in terms of e.g. oil prices that it simply doesn't pay to do everything
from scratch in UK for the huge garden centre chains. There is now a
growing movement towards buying British propagated and raised plants
where ever possible and this trend is even stronger in the cut flower
and bulb trade.

There is free movement of live plants within the EU with some
exceptions for things such as potatoes, which might be subject to
certification from the PHSI. Things brought in from outside EU (except
small amounts for your own garden) require a Phytosanitary Certificate.
South Devon