Blow-torching weeds
"Chris Hogg" wrote in message
.. .
Err...once you've killed them with glyphosate, subsequently burning
off the dead remains with a flame gun is a waste of time and gas, and
is purely cosmetic. The glyphosated remains disappear soon enough.
Using a flame gun to kill weeds only requires that you 'cook' the weed
briefly in order to kill them. You don't need to incinerate them
completely in order to kill them, but many people think you have to.
But as others have said, a flame gun doesn't get rid of perennial
deep-rooted weeds, which will sprout again from the root.
"But as others have said, a flame gun doesn't get rid of perennial
deep-rooted weeds, which will sprout again from the root."
That where the glyphosate comes in - kills most everything - root and all.
"The glyphosated remains disappear soon enough."
Not in my experience - they remain as a visual eyesore months after death.
And if you are a bit on the knackered side of sixty-five like me then the
flame gun will beat the
hand removal system in popularity - anytime. And surely brown is even more
of an eyesore
than green if we are after cosmetic results as well.
I purchase my glyphosate in 5L containers - so what I save on smaller
systems pays for the gas.
The only downside is that you need around 24hrs of apres-spray no rain
Not easy at this time of the year !!!
gas many times over