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Old 14-10-2013, 07:07 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David Hill David Hill is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2012
Posts: 2,947
Default Winter flowering plants for very large shallow containers

On 14/10/2013 18:04, Jeff Layman wrote:
On 14/10/2013 17:35, David.WE.Roberts wrote:
This year I have grown tomatoes and cucumbers in plastic bags - wide and
shallow - and they have done O.K.

I am now left with these containers for the winter.

I can just leave them, empty them (leaving a blot on the back garden
they sat), or find a nice winter flowering bedding plant to cheer them up
until spring.

Not having that much success, though.

Do pansies and primroses flower through the winter?

Is there anything else obvious and 'off the shelf' which would do?


Dave R

Never grown or even bought one, and they aren't exactly flowers, but
what about those ornamental cabbages? They aren't cheap, though.

If you look around you might find bare rooted wallflower plants, it's a
good time to plant them now. Much better than small container/transplants.