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Old 14-10-2013, 01:04 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bertie Doe Bertie Doe is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 448
Default Moving raspberries and dwarf fruit trees

"David Hill" wrote in message ...

On 13/10/2013 15:37, Bertie Doe wrote:

"David Hill" wrote in message ...

So you are looking at 5 year old trees, I'd dig around the trees at
about 2ft out from the trunk, I wouldn't worry about trying to save a
root ball, I suspect the soil will come off unless you have heavy soil.
The thickest roots can be pruned back a little, but try to preserve as
much of the smaller roots.
Have the planting holes ready so that as soon as you lift you can move
the tree into it's new home with as little shock as possible, so that
it's not lying on the surface for any amount of time.

I moved them yesterday and there were a couple of things that surprised
me. Firstly the root ball was only about 18" dia. Expecting more as the
spread is about 5' (on average).

Secondly, the soil was much drier than expected. This may be down to the
fact that the allotment is on a 12:1 slope.

I added half bucket of water to each planting hole. Should I continue
adding water at say, weekly intervals? TIA.

/I hope you did that after planting, that way you wash the soil in
/amongst the roots rather than planting into mud if you di it before
/I'd have given them at least a bucket each if not 2 over about 30 mins.

I placed tree in hole, added half the soil, added water, then topped up with
soil. Fortunately I've left a 2" dip around the trees, so I'll add more
water now.