Thread: Alert for Bob!
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Old 12-10-2013, 11:12 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha[_11_] Sacha[_11_] is offline
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Default Alert for Bob!

On 2013-10-11 17:01:37 +0100, Bob Hobden said:

"Sacha" wrote

Cayeux Iris are doing a special offer of the White & Blue Collection
and the Yellow and Red collection. Six of each at £36.00 and £31.50
respectively. I've ordered the White & Blue and am now about to
'confess' to Raymond! What with my new found passion for Iris plus
Hemerocallis and Dahlias, he's feeling a bit under siege, I think!

Yes they do look good value and beautiful like all their iris plants.
Have you sorted out how to grow/get them over the winter in your
garden? Raised Bed I seem to remember you mentioning.
We have, this week, finally got round to tidying up our Iris bed on the
allotment luckily just before the rain arrived today.
We had two flower this year that we were convinced we had lost, indeed
one had never flowered before so we had forgotten we even had it (High
Command). Of course now they have seen it everyone want a piece.
Got to get down there and slug pellet the bed before they eat all the
new young shoots over winter, then it's some Growmore in early spring
and that's it until they flower.

ps. sorry I didn't send you (and others) any this year, I just didn't
get round to digging them up, it was so dry. Sorry.

Oh Bob, you've been more than generous with your plants, so please
don't even think of it! We haven't done a raised bed but we have
completely emptied one of the beds round the house and as it's in full
sun for most of the day, faces west and is on the outside of the wall
that holds the Aga in our kitchen, I think some will go in there. Then
there's a south-facing narrow bed which has had lots of grit dug into
it and some will go there. I'm determined to keep trying!

South Devon