Orchid keikei?
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11-10-2013, 07:34 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2013
Posts: 815
Orchid keikei?
On 2013-10-11 13:56:06 +0000, Roger Tonkin said:
In article ,
They're in the house, in our bathroom but yes, it's possible someone
watered them while we were away and didn't know about keeping the crown
dry. If I splash any water onto them, I dry the leaves. But thanks to
you and to Spider for the help and interest. I'll get a larger pot from
Orchid World and pot on in spring. I'm so pleased that one orchid is
currently showing off some gorgeous white flowers and another is
growing a stem full of buds. I can't quite get over the speed at which
the new flowering stems grow!
It's the flowering period that amases me. I have a
phel - what's it, that started to flower in mid-July,
opening 8 flowers over then next few weeks.
Now almost 3 months later, there are more flowe buds
developing on the stem (at least 3), whilst the first
flower to open looks as fresh as the day it opened.
I think they'e the most astonishing good value. Some seem expensive
when bought originally but if people take the least care and I've
probably done the very least - ! - then they flower again and again and
as you say, last for months. My stepson had one in his cottage window
that lasted for so long that I actually teased him he'd bought a silk
South Devon
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