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Old 11-10-2013, 11:08 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha[_11_] Sacha[_11_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2013
Posts: 1,026
Default Never been so scared.

On 2013-10-10 19:53:37 +0100, Baz said:

David Hill wrote in

On 10/10/2013 17:40, Baz wrote:
I was picking up some dropped pears before cutting the lawn and have
been swarmed by wasps. stung my nostrils and lips just now


I got done over by bees many years ago, my own fault, I was using a
tractor Rotavator and rotovated across the front of 3 hives, they took
Wasps, I would have been dead in less than 10 mins with the number of
stings I had.
David @ a colder but rain free side of Swansea Bay.

Lucky me then. I have a bit of an escape.I just dont know why they picked
on me. and i feel a bit sick as well

Coming in a day late but you may need an injection from your doc. I'm
allergic to bees and swell up alarmingly if stung. But a number of
stings produces a really dangerous reaction from either wasps or bees
in some people. It's probably worth a chat with the doctor anyway. This
time of year they're either very dozy and crawling into unexpected
shelves etc. or even shoes! I believe there's a theory that the later
in the season, the more venom in the sting but I don't know if that's
true. You have my deep sympathy, it hurts like hell. Someone here got
two stings on her nose the other day, while standing under an apple
tree. It was not a pretty sight but she had no allergic reaction,
thank goodness.

South Devon