On 07/10/2013 18:44, Bertie Doe wrote:
"David Hill" wrote in message ...
On 07/10/2013 15:10, Bertie Doe wrote:
p.s. David ref recent post. The cherry (sweet variety) was bought in
Spring. The 2010 cherry was killed in the 2010/2011 Winter. A
neighbouring allotment also lost his (morello) grafted cherry. I also
lost a 7 year old garden wisteria that same Winter. Annoying has I had
to wait 3 years for the first flower.
I would be more inclined to stake them with an angled stake facing
into the prevailing wind.
Neat idea, should reduce wind rock. There's a cold snap forecast for
Thurs onwards. Should I say, wait a week or two? They may be more
dormant after the cold has set in?
Once the leaves are off.