On 07/10/2013 15:10, Bertie Doe wrote:
"Baz" wrote in message ...
/The best time is when they are dormant. When the leaves(leafs?) have
/dropped in autumn.
/Some blood, fish and bone in the hole too. I think it is a good idea to
/water them in, after firming the soil, it helps compact the soil so the
/winds don't blow them over.
/The apple, pear, plum and cherry might need staking after the replant!
/(windy conditions again can blow them over)
Fortunately I have a box of BF&B. I knew it would be handy. They're
already staked, so the stakes will move with them to the more sheltered
p.s. David ref recent post. The cherry (sweet variety) was bought in
Spring. The 2010 cherry was killed in the 2010/2011 Winter. A
neighbouring allotment also lost his (morello) grafted cherry. I also
lost a 7 year old garden wisteria that same Winter. Annoying has I had
to wait 3 years for the first flower.
I would be more inclined to stake them with an angled stake facing into
the prevailing wind.