On 06/10/2013 11:24, Mark wrote:
I bought some Daffodil and tulip bulbs in Oct 2012 and I never got round to planting them. They have been on a dry shelf in my garage which gets a little bit of light from a door and small window. They look ok, some have sprouted, is it worth me planting them out or do I need a trip to the garden centre to get "new" ones?
Buy new and mix the 2 lots and plant them.
If the old bulbs are soft and squishy or totally shrivelled then dump
them, but if they are firm and as you say starting to sprout or show new
root growth then they are fine, but may not flower this year.
I have spent the morning planting daffs after having to cut wet grass, I
got mine from Fentongollan, despite the name they are not in Wales, but
in Cornwall. Well worth having a look at their web site.
Delivery was prompt and so far around 50% of the daffs have been double
or triple nosed, some of the best bulbs I have bought for many years.
David @ a sunny side of Swansea Bay