Thread: Boots
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Old 06-10-2013, 12:29 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Christina Websell Christina Websell is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,869
Default Boots

"Pete C" wrote in message
Now, how to stop geese know where!! lol

Easy. If a gander approaches with his neck forward with the idea of
attacking (usually only in the breeding season) just take hold of him behind
his head and turn him away from you.
That always worked for me with my own ganders, but if he isn't your own he
might be a bit more persistent, but it still works, you might have do it
more often though.
My ganders were always great with me unless their geese were sitting on

Not so when I had a builder to do some work. They were grazing on my lawn
and he said "are they OK to go in with?" and I said yes because I truly
believed they were.
Never seen a builder move so fast. My gander, he said "NO, get the **** out
of here." He did.

Tip: never tease a gander, he will resent it, remember it and will have his
day with you ;-)

I love geese. They are very intelligent.
