OT beds
Petrol went up from 2/6 a gallon to 5/- a gallon in November 1956 because of
the Suez crisis
In 1952 a Weekly bus ticket to go from the South East of the Isle of Wight,
Sandown, to the very North, Cowes was 9/9
I paid £1800 for a very nice 3 bed semi in 1960
In 1974 I sold half an acre, just within the Leicester City boundary, with
planning permission for 2 pairs of houses for £5,000!!!!
Were we better off then?
"David Hill" wrote in message ...
On 04/10/2013 14:45, 'Mike' wrote:
That is when Full Board in my parent's hotel as something like £6.00 a
week if my memory serves me correct. And that was equal to a weeks wages!!
and are we better off now?
A working week was around 46 hours and 2 weeks holiday a year, the
average wage was around £9 a week. You worked Monday to Friday and half
day Saturday.
You could buy a nice3 house for under £2'000
Petrol was around 4/3d a gallon, ( I remember it going up to 5/-[25p] a
gallon in the early 60's and we thought that would be the end of motoring.)