Thread: OT beds
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Old 02-10-2013, 10:39 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Tom Gardner[_2_] Tom Gardner[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2009
Posts: 198
Default OT beds

On 02/10/13 09:14, Jake wrote:
On Tue, 1 Oct 2013 17:54:28 +0100, "Bob Hobden"

"David Hill" wrote

I know that this is totally off topic but thinking about how many gardeners
have back problems I thought I'd ask my question here.
It's time for me to change my mattress and my back is giving me a lot of
I'm wondering about a Memory foam mattress, but I don't know anyone who has
Are they as good as the advertising says, or is it just hype.

I have had arthritis of the lower spine since I was 35, they said I would
probably end up in a wheelchair. We have a mattress that has pocket springs
with a few inches of memory foam on top. I can recommend it. One word of
warning, it weighs a ton.

Just a thought - QVC sell memory foam mattress toppers and have a
30-day refund policy - as long as it's still clean you can send it
back for a refund of purchase price, you just pay the P&P each way.

An relatively low-cost option to try it out for a decent period

It might indeed, particularly if you can't easily get to a
decent mattress shop or foam shed.

I note that they are 2cm of "gel infused memory foams" whereas my
daughter's mattress was simply a 7cm lump of memory foam (she
preferred that to the 5cm).

If the gel might leak then it would have to be enclosed by
an impermeable membrane, which might make it more sweaty.
But foam tends to be sweaty anyway.