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Old 30-09-2013, 10:00 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
stuart noble stuart noble is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2008
Posts: 806
Default GW viewing figures

On 29/09/2013 22:21, Jake wrote:
On Sun, 29 Sep 2013 22:02:51 +0100, David Hill

On 29/09/2013 21:40, Jake wrote:
Percy Thrower was sacked for less! He didn't promote anything during a
GW programme.

Actually NO
The BBC summarily dropped Thrower when in 1975 he agreed to a contract
with Plant Protection, a subsidiary of ICI, for a series of commercials.
He did this in the full knowledge of what the repercussions would be
with the BBC, and later said it was the best contract he ever signed.

Actually YES.Percy didn't promote anything during a GW programme. As
you said, he was sacked for adverts (which the Beeb did not/does not

OTOH, MD promotes the dictats of the Soil Association. Remember that
GW is a factual programme. Please refer to my original post and ask
yourself whether MD's statement was factual.

Plus FWIW, there is a "knock-down" lily beetle spray on the market
which is organic. It's called "Plant Invigorator". You don't need
Provado Ultimate Bug Killer (which, incidentally, is NOT covered by
the EU "prohibition").

MD ignored two alternatives to squishing. Hence HE LIED! Simple.

He also lost a valuable opportunity to educate people about the need
to use pesticides correctly. But then people in blinkers often do!

Are the viewing figures accurate? Maybe monitoring 5000 homes isn't a
big enough sample