looks to be a great year for mushrooms
In article ,
Malcolm wrote:
I asked if you could post a URL for the "rules" for identifying edible
and non-edible fungi, but you appear to have snipped it.
I'm sure such a URL would be welcomed by many here.
Doubtless. I have no idea whether there is one. I always refer
people to good books on British fungi, but am not familiar enough
with what is available to post a reliable list, and therefore do
not do so. Nor am I expert enough to write a checklist, though I
do know rules that will select a subset of safe fungi.
You specifically mentioned "rules" and "secondary rules" as if they
For example "That is why there is a gradation of rules. There are some
fairly simple ones that will keep you away from the lethal species, with
VERY high probability."
"there are simple, secondary rules to avoid those, too."
So, if these "rules" and "secondary rules" will help people avoid
poisonous fungi, where are they, please?
It is not my business to spoon-feed you. You can learn them, the
same way that I did. Or remain ignorant. It is your call. There
are several other regular posters who are clearly familiar with
similar or equivalent rules.
It is 40 years since I did much fungus collection and, while I can
remember some of the rules, I can neither remember all of them nor
exactly where I learnt them from, though books by Ramsbottom would
be a good start.
Nick Maclaren.