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Old 25-09-2013, 10:02 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Janet is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2013
Posts: 548
Default Escalonia problem

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"Chris Hogg" wrote in message
On Sat, 21 Sep 2013 18:48:36 +0100, "Charlie Pridham"

"David Hill" wrote in message
My neighbour has a problem with one Escalonia I'm at a loss
Any ideas?

On the bright side I still have honeysuckle in flower

David @ a dull and damp side of Swansea Bay.

I lost all my hedges to this leaf spot disease, once you have it its game
over, any treatments just delay the inevitable.

I had an escallonia hedge which went that way. I replaced it with
pittosporum, and now several of those bushes seem to be going the same
way: black spots on the leaves, severe leaf loss and die-back. Does
the escallonia leaf spot disease also effect pittosporums, do you
know, Charlie?



Gardening in West Cornwall overlooking the sea.
Mild, but very exposed to salt gales

Not heard of that happening, is it something that has only happened this
year or did occur before and just get worse this year? I ask because we have
had numerous un explained casualties this year which we think may have been
the timing of the various weather we have had, Things like a 30 year old
Norway Maple and 30 year old Hawthorn both have died this summer but showed
signs of ill health in the spring.

It could just be that the conditions have suited sudden Oak death or Honey
Fungus but a lot of damage was caused on just one night by that sudden frost
just as everything was coming into leaf, next day all was black and hanging
and some stuff never recovered

That sounds like the phytophthera deaths here; plants that have
been stressed some other way seem to be more vulnerable, and once they
start to look unwell can progress very quickly to dead as a dodo.

Janet (Isle of Arran)