Keeping cats out of garden
"Christina Websell" wrote in
"Dave Liquorice" wrote in message
On Mon, 23 Sep 2013 18:51:31 +0100, Christina Websell wrote:
[1] Almost certain it's a cat - there are sometimes vague attempts
scratch the ground and bury it, but often not successful. Volume
size is too small for a fox.
Cats usually bury their poo. Young dog fox cubs are ejected from their
families round about late August. I suggest it might be them.
Doesn't fox poo have a very "foxy" but not unpleasant smell and a
pointed end?]Depends if the cubs have managed to to catch anything.
Cat poo smells foul.
Agreed, but they bury it.
Yes, but they foul in someone elses garden. Burying it makes it 100 times
worse. There are no cat shit detectors. You only know it when it's
disgusting odour is on your hand or your tool (no remarks please).