Thread: Montbretia
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Old 24-09-2013, 02:36 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren[_3_] Nick Maclaren[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2013
Posts: 767
Default Montbretia

In article ,
Ophelia wrote:

Thanks very much, Jake. Yes they do tend to spread I like to grow
because my Grandparents had them in their garden and they bring back a
of happy memories, so I always need some growing in any garden I

I like them - they are an interesting addition to Cornish hedges,
which has happened since I lived there, but Cambridge is a bit
cold or dry for them to do well. They grow, but not vigorously.

Could you grow them in a tub?

Probably, but it wouldn't help. They much prefer the south-west.

Well I am in Scotland ...

Where? The point is that the west of Scotland is a LOT wetter
than Cambridge and is usually a lot warmer in winter (though
colder in summer). Cambridge isn't all that different from
Edinburgh, except in day length and sunlight.

But what I mean is that they grow with me, and even increase,
but don't spread vigorously - and I have had them die off, though
that is probably fungal.

That's a shame I am West.

It's swings and roundabouts.

Nick Maclaren.