Keeping cats out of garden
On Mon, 23 Sep 2013 19:43:19 +0100 (BST), "Dave Liquorice"
On Mon, 23 Sep 2013 18:51:31 +0100, Christina Websell wrote:
[1] Almost certain it's a cat - there are sometimes vague attempts
scratch the ground and bury it, but often not successful. Volume
size is too small for a fox.
Cats usually bury their poo. Young dog fox cubs are ejected from their
families round about late August. I suggest it might be them.
Doesn't fox poo have a very "foxy" but not unpleasant smell and a
pointed end? Cat poo smells foul.
I've been told (somewhere, probably on a Ray Mears wildlife prog or
the like) that all predators turds have a pointed end. Presumably to
prevent the anus slamming shut and thus giving their presence away to
their prey.
To me, all cr@p is foul.