On Mon, 23 Sep 2013 10:30:44 GMT, Baz wrote:
"Bob Hobden" wrote in
We now only grow the blight resistant tomatoes Ferline, Fantasio and
the new cherry type Losetto (amazing cropper no-one would need more
than two plants). They have only got blight in the last few weeks and
only today have I pulled them up because it does not go straight
throughout the plant like normal Toms so you still get a good crop.
Even better if you spray with Bordeaux mixture as then they don't get
blight at all. Peas, we use some old wire fencing we were given to
dump by a neighbour, four old metal posts banged in and run the
netting between, easy.
I like the look of Losetto. What do they taste like. Sweet? or of nothing,
as moneymakers do.
Sungold have been amazing this year. Was given the plants by a friend.
They are deliciously sweet, ripened early and we've had buckets of
them. They make a lovely yellow chutney too!
I think at the moment I am stuck on Gardeners Delight and Sweet Million.
Peas? Using plastic netting 4" type.
Not a huge crop this year, but bearable