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Old 23-09-2013, 09:25 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Peter James[_6_] Peter James[_6_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2013
Posts: 32
Default Keeping cats out of garden

Tim Watts wrote:

Is there a way?

I'm getting a tad tired of the number of piles of mouldy cat[1] poo
appearing of late.

[1] Almost certain it's a cat - there are sometimes vague attempts to
scratch the ground and bury it, but often not successful. Volume and size is
too small for a fox.

There are 3-4 cats that appear regularly.

I know it's not going to be easy - but I was wondering if there is a
chemical I can spray around the permimeter that is either deeply unpleasant
to cats or makes them regard it as marked territory?

I don't mind the odd cat, but they are becoming a right pest lately.

I wage a semi-constant war on the cat population on the estate where I
live. I have about 6 to 8 cats within 50 yards up and down the road,
and the only cultivated front garden within 100 yards. The result is as
you can imagine.

The solution is to spray male human urine on the garden. It sounds
bizarre but it does work. After about a week of spraying the front
garden, admittedly a small one, morning and evening the cats stop using
it and go elsewhere. This period lasts about two or three months, and
then the cats discover the garden again, and then off we go again.

The sprayer cost me £1.30 pence in the local "pound" shop and the
contents of course are free.

Trust me, it works.


-- The e-mail address obviously doesn't exist. If it's essential
that you contact me then try peterATpfjamesDOTcoDOTuk