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Old 21-09-2013, 09:43 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Roger Tonkin[_2_] Roger Tonkin[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2012
Posts: 459
Default Home grown veg. are the best

In article ,

Baz wrote:
I will always grow potatoes, tomatoes, peas, broad beans and runner beans.
They seem to be, for me anyway, reliable every year.

To me growing veg is pleasure, picking and eating the
same, even better. Despite the claim about peas, I
believe that most home grown veg tastes far better
than that harvested in a farm a hundred miles or so
away upto 3 weeks ago!

I've an amusing anecdote on the subject:

We had a city based couple for dinner, and on the
plate were home grow carrots. Wife said these carrots
are delicious, where did you buy them?

I explained they were from the garden, which seemed to
confuse her, so after dinner, before it got dark I
took her down to garden and showed her the carrots. I
pulled one up as she still seemed disbelieving, and
she immediately blurted out "So that was the special
taste, all that mud!", before she realised what she
had said. Wife and I laughed ourselves to sleep that
night. We did have a very appologetic and embarred
letter a couple of days later, and we still laugh
about it when we meet up. (By the way were talking of
a 60+ year old).

I terms of what to grow, I go for things that involved
very little effort (potatoes went out years ago).
Plant a row of seed, thin out and pick or dig up.

Roger T

700 ft up in Mid-Wales